
A plot-less collection of various musical encounters and adventures by the famous rock band "The Monkees" which follows Davy, Peter, Mike and Mickey...

Starring: Abraham Sofaer, Annette Funicello, Bob Rafelson, Carol Doda, Charles Irving, Charles Macaulay, Davy Jones, Dennis Hopper, Frank Zappa, Hal Taggart, Helena Kallianiotes, Jack Nicholson, John Dennis, John Hoffman, June Fairchild, Kenner G Kemp, Logan Ramsey, Michael Nesmith, Micky Dolenz, Percy Helton, Peter Tork, Rona Barrett, Ronald Reagan, Sam Flint, S
Genre: Comedy, Musical, Fantasy
Countries: USA
Directors: Bob Rafelson
Release Date: November 06, 1968
Runtime: 86 mins
IMDb Rating: Head (1968) on IMDb

2.96/5 - (47 Votes)

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